About Prophecy

The Book


Copyright © 2014 by Homer Kizer

"Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved."

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Chapter Three



In the co-authored book Disinformation, Ion Mihai Pacerpa wrote, “In 1978, when I broke with communism, I left in my office safe a slip of paper on which General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, head of the Soviet bloc espionage community, had written, ‘gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo’—a drop makes a hole in a stone not by force, but by constant dripping. That was how disinformation worked: drop by drop by drop. It would take time, but wherever you could not use a drill, that was the best way to make a hole.” (Ion Mahai Pascepa and Ronald J. Rychlak. “Epilogue.” Disinformation. 1st Edition. Washington, DC: WND Books, Inc., 2013)

Disinformation ought to be required reading for all Sabbatarian Christians, not for what it says about the global political struggle for world domination by lying regimes and ideologies for the Adversary remains the prince of this world, with all authority presently employed in this world coming through him to whom God has given dominion over the mental topography of living creatures. No, Disinformation should be read as a primer on how the Adversary as the father of all lies and liars function; for the Adversary is not particularly creative, nor needs to be. What worked for him with angels has continued to work for him with humanity, but breaks down as descent is made in the hierarchy of life, with amoeba not having sufficient reasoning ability to be affected by lies and the reinforcement of lies with other lies and liars. After all, what amoeba cares about healthcare or whether, If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; what dog worries about NSA spying, or IRS targeting of political enemies; what cow contemplates “human-caused global warming” when pushing through Michigan’s heaviest winter snowfall in a hundred thirty years?

One of the primary separations of humanity from beasts is the human person’s willingness to believe lies, accepting as true what is obviously false; such as liberation theology, or redistribution of wealth promotes social justice. Try taking a piece of meat away from an eight week old kitten: the kitten instantly recognizes you as a thief even though the kitten is much too small to prevent you taking its food. But half or more of humanity doesn’t recognize its own government as thieves when voting to approve progressive tax codes.

In a longer excerpt from Disinformation, former Lt. Gen. Pascapa of Romania’s state security wrote,

In 2008, veteran Washington Post journalist David S. Broder candidly compared Sen. Barack Obama’s tactic for hiding his past to the tactics military pilots use to protect themselves when flying over a target heavily defended by antiaircraft guns: “They release a cloud of fine metal scraps, hoping to confuse the aim of the shells or missiles being fired in their direction.” This a also a good characterization of glasnost, which, as I explained earlier, is an old Russian term for polishing the ruler’s—or would-be ruler’s image.

One of the overriding purposes of every glasnost I have known has been to hide the leader’s past by giving him a new political identity. Stalin’s glasnost was designed to conceal his horrific crimes by portraying him as an earthly god. Khrushchev’s glasnost was to create a peaceful international façade for the man who brought the Kremlin’s political assassinations to the West (as proved by the West German Supreme Court in October 1962, during the public trial of Bogdan Stashinsky, a KGB officer who had bean decorated by Khrushchev himself for assassinating enemies of the Soviet Union living in the West). Ceausescu, who attained the rank of general after secretly attending a Red Army school for political commissaries in Moscow, focused his glasnost on hiding that past by portraying himself as a Romanian Napoleon—another five-foot-three tyrant—who hated Russia. Gorbachev, recruited by the KGB when he was studying at Moscow State University, designed his glasnost, to veil his KGB past by portraying him as a magician-like leader who displayed a flirtatious “Miss KGB” to Western correspondents while pledging to transform the Soviet Union into a “Marxist society of free people.”

Thus it was that in America, the 2008 election campaign for the White House was, for me, a major case of déjà vu. It felt as though I were watching a replay of one of those election campaigns of Ceausescu’s in which I was involved during my years in Romania. Ceausescu’s media painted the Romania of his predecessor, Gheorghiu-Dej, as a decaying, corrupt, economically devastated country and demanded it be changed by redistributing the country’s wealth. It was a disinformation campaign.

In the same way, the establishment US media painted America as a decaying, racist, predatory capitalist realm unable to provide medical care for the poor, rebuild her “crumbling schools,” or replace the “shattered mills that once provided a decent life for men and women of every race,” and promised all of this could be changed by redistributing the country’s wealth. This also was a disinformation campaign. (“Chapter 41,” pp 313–314.)

Now, mentally superimpose what you personally know about Soviet-style electioneering, or about the American presidential campaigns of 2008 and 2012, and set this concept of political disinformation employed in both campaigns by the Obama organization over the historical record of the transformation of the 1st-Century Jesus Movement where disciples by faith kept the Commandments, all of them, thereby walking in this world as Jesus walked, as Paul walked, as Peter and John walked—set this concept of redefinition through disinformation [lies and lying] over the historical record of proto-orthodox Christendom in the late 1st-Century and throughout the 2nd-Century and you will begin to understand what happened to Sabbath observance and keeping the Passover sacraments of blessed bread and drink on the dark portion of the 14th day of the first month of the sacred year.

Day after day, week and week, year after year, Christian converts heard some variation of the drum-roll, You don’t have to keep the the Commandments because Christ kept them for you. You’re not under the Law; you’re under grace.

Change you can believe in … but what sort of change? Attempting to enter into God’s presence on the first day of the week, rather than on the seventh day?

We have to pass the Law to find out what’s in it

Paul wrote, “For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified.” (Rom 2:12–13 emphasis added).

It is true, a Christian is not under the Law (the kernel of truth that permits the disinformation to work); however, the Christian who transgresses the Law [i.e., sins] will perish for his or her transgressions of the Law without every finding out what is in the Law.

Christian apologists have been, almost with exception, as dishonest with Scripture as President Obama has been in enforcing America’s civil and criminal laws, now choosing not to enforce key provisions of his own healthcare law that will harm the reelection chances of his political allies. And like the President, proto-orthodox Christian apologists of the 2nd-Century CE who could not “sell” to Greeks the anti-family message of Christ Jesus—

Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Matt 10:34–37)

—found themselves ignoring those aspects of what Jesus taught that seemingly hindered the conversion of Gentiles and promoting aspects that mitigated the Jewishness of walking in this world as Jesus walked.

Pagan Greek philosophers didn’t convert to Christendom to become Jews, or to live like Jews, how Peter taught Gentile converts to live (read Gal 2:14 in Greek). The anti-Semitism that was already part of Hellenism before Jesus was humanly born effectively prevented Greek converts from living as Jews; from eating cleans meats; from keeping the Sabbath and the Passover. To this day, the majority of Christians equate keeping the Passover on the day and hour of when Second Temple Pharisees (rather than Sadducees) kept the Passover. They have believed the leavening of the Pharisees to such an extent that a Christian scholar such as Dr. Bart D. Ehrman of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill cannot correlate the Passover accounts in the received Gospels and realize that Jesus both ate the Passover as Israel under Moses in Egypt ate the Passover on the dark portion of the 14th day, and was the Passover Lamb of God, sacrificed at the hour when Pharisees sacrificed the Passover during the light portion of the 14th day of the first month, with Pharisees and Sadducees observing the Wave Sheaf Offering on a differing day-after-the-Sabbath, Pharisees on the fixed calendar date of the 16th day of the first month and Sadducees on the morrow after the weekly Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread … since the days of Rehoboam and Jeroboam, Judaism has not been an ideology with a unified theology or even a unified calendar.

Early Christianity was even more divided by schisms than was Judaism: in his “Introduction” to Lost Christianities, The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew (Oxford, 2003), author Bart D. Ehrman wrote,

It may be worth reflecting on what was both lost and gained when these books [texts that were not canonized], and the Christian perspectives they represented, disappeared from sight. One thing that was lost, of course, was the great diversity of the early centuries of Christianity. As I have already pointed out, modern Christianity is not lacking in a diversity of it own, with its wide-ranging theologies, liturgies, practices, interpretations of Scripture, political views, social stands, organizations, institutions, and so on. But virtually all forms of modern Christianity, whether they acknowledge it or not, go back to one form of Christianity that emerged as victorious from the conflicts of the second and third centuries. This one form of Christianity decided what was the “correct” Christian perspective; it decided who could exercise authority over Christian belief and practice; and it determined what forms of Christianity would be marginalized, set aside, destroyed. It also decided which books to canonize into Scripture and which books to set aside as “heretical,” teaching false ideas.

And then, as a coup de grace, this victorious party rewrote the history of the controversy, making it appear that there had not been much of a conflict at all, claiming that its own views had always been those of the majority of Christians at all times, back to the time of Jesus and his apostles, that its perspective, in effect, had always been “orthodox” (i.e., the “right belief”) and that its opponents in the conflict, with their other scriptural texts, had always represented small splinter groups invested in deceiving people into “heresy” (literally meaning “choice”; a heretic is someone who willfully chooses not to believe the right things).

Rewrote history? The glasnost of the Bishop of Rome? Yes, the history of the Christian Church as received by this endtime era of Believers is the production of 2nd through 4th Centuries disinformation, dezinformatsiya in Russian, by anti-Semitic, pagan philosophers that had converted to the Jesus Movement in an attempt to circumvent the trap into which sky-god oriented philosophies had fallen (and this includes Islam, the new kid of the block): how does a person know if the person is good enough to go to heaven? What criteria exists to cause a person to spend his or her afterlife in heaven rather than in torment?

When Greek philosophers encountered the imbedded concept of Christ Jesus’ death paying the death penalty for the wrongdoing of the person, they converted to an ideology that as they received it was Jewish in nature and practices … they quickly went about correcting this Jewishness, eliminating it through lies and misrepresentations—disinformation—that would have Christians worshiping on the day when the glorified Jesus ascended into heaven; that had Christians turn their backs on the Passover (Jesus wasn’t twice crucified, as Constantine noted, so Christians need a new day on which to celebrated Jesus’ Resurrection, not the Jewish Passover) and adopt Easter as Christendom’s most holy observance, which along with Christmas, the baptized birthday of the sun, remain as the primary observances of Christian orthodoxy, with this orthodoxy reinforced by chanted creeds and cathedral pageantry of the sort that Hitler sought to mimic with his nighttime torchlight spectacles.

The glasnost of Greek paganism, baptized in lies and half-truths, raised in a playpen of disinformation, baked in the fires of persecution, the oxidized slag chipped away with pecking hammers—the Christianity that godless communism engaged when it sought to destroy the credibility of the Roman Church and her protesting daughters was itself a solidified lie, the fossil of the 2nd-Century hijacking of the Jesus Movement that left the Body of Christ hanging dead on the cross. At least Martin Luther had the good sense to remove the body.

Godless communism continues to use disinformation—which comes from the Adversary—against Christianity in a similar manner as how proto-orthodox Christendom in the 2nd-Century CE used disinformation to destroy from within the Jesus Movement, which highlighted the movement of the Law from hand to heart, and body to mind; the movement of circumcision from foreskins of males to hearts of males and females, thereby making no distinction between male and female, Jew and Greek, proletariat and bourgeoise. Until the person receives a second breath of life, the person is spiritually dead. And once the person receives a second breath of life, the person is “born” as a son of God … there are no daughters of God, or Greeks for God, or Workers for God. There are no Nine Commandment-keepers for God.

The fire ignited by the Adversary against the Jesus Movement while the Apostle Paul still physically lived is now running up against a backfire, one used by God but not of God to put out the fire of greater Christendom … when a forest fire runs into a back-burn, both fires burn together for a short while before both extinguish themselves by consuming all available fuel—and so it will be in this 21st-Century when we have the opportunity to undo the mistakes of the late 1st and 2nd Centuries; when we get to sort through the lies of you don’t have to keep the Law because Christ kept the Law for you and retrieve the kernel of truth that gave rise to the lies.

Today, Capitalism isn’t responsible for climate change any more than it is for far more threatening changes in atomic electron positioning, where electrons gather on one side of the nucleuses of atoms, a movement that has the potential to reverse earth’s magnetic polarity—

I have, two days before the vernal equinox, sub-zero [Fahrenheit] nighttime temperatures here in Michigan’s tip-of-the-thumb and as much snow in my yard as I had in Alaska on this date; so where is this global warming? None has been seen in the 21st-Century; yet President Obama claims global warming is an established fact, as does much of the Democrat Party. More disinformation … when a person is willing to believe the words of a politician over the evidence of a snow shovel, the person is in Lenin’s words, a useful idiot.

In writing the “Forward” for Disinformation, Paul Kengor, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science at Grove City College, wrote, “Much of the history we thought we knew, or we thought we even recently uncovered, was actually spawned as communist disinformation. … The lies have been allowed to become ‘history,’ to become ‘truth’” (p. vi). And so it was seemingly long ago when proto-orthodox converts to the Jesus Movement used creed, clergy, and canon to purge Christ from the Christian Church, thereby crucifying the Body of Christ as Romans had initially crucified the body of Christ.

But God shows no partiality (Rom 2:11). The person who by faith, by belief of God chooses to keep the Commandments, putting these Commandments into practice through demonstrated love for brother and neighbor, father and mother [God, Father and Son, a life-giving spirit — 1 Cor 15:45], is justified as a doer of the Law, with this justification coming through the indwelling of Christ Jesus. The person who, knowing the Law or not knowing the Law (doesn’t matter), practices deceit; the person who covets, lies, steals, hates another person also created in the image of God—this person will perish either under the Law or without the Law. Again, God shows no partiality: the sinner will perish for the sinner is of the Adversary. The sinner will perish for the sinner is so indoctrinated with the Adversary’s lies that as a drip on a stone, the Adversary has bored through the heart of this person and now sports the person as a trinket on his charm bracket.



Understanding prophecy, understanding what Jesus was all about requires understanding that two—the physical and the spiritual [the dark and the light portions of a day]—are one, a premise that goes against human reasoning and logic. Thus, Christians have not well understood that there are two godly harvests of this world, one preceding the Thousand Years (aka the Millennium) and one following the Thousand Years, with these two harvests forming one harvest of humanity.

The geometry of marriage is based on two being one. The geometry of Christianity is based on two being one, with this geometry seen in the marriage of a man and a women, with these two fleshly beings becoming one flesh:

·   Circumcised in the flesh Israel plus circumcised of heart Israel form one Israel in the Millennium:                    

·   As the priority of darkness extends from sunset to sunrise, the priority of circumcised in the flesh Israel extended from the patriarch Abraham to Christ Jesus—                    

·   As the priority of light extends from sunrise to sunset, the priority of circumcised of heart Israel extends from Christ Jesus to the Second Advent;                      

·   But as a day is neither the darkness nor the light alone, Israel is neither outwardly or inwardly circumcised alone.                       

·   Between the Second Advent and when the Adversary is loosed from his chains in the Abyss (Rev 20:2–3), circumcised in the flesh Israel is joined with circumcised of heart Israel in the Millennium—                  

·   One Israel will be in the other Israel, thereby creating the marriage of Israel and earthly procreation of sons of God as opposed to one-off divine procreation of sons of God:            

·   In the Millennium every humanly born person will be born filled with spirit and thus free of servitude to sin and death.                       

When the God of Abraham identified outwardly circumcised Israel as His firstborn son, telling Moses to say to Pharaoh, “‘Thus says [YHWH], Israel is my firstborn son, and I say to you, "Let my son go that he may serve me." If you refuse to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son’” (Ex 4:22–23), the God of Abraham did not speak errantly: God in Israel, His outwardly circumcised firstborn son, foreshadowed the indwelling of Christ Jesus in the hearts of circumcised-of-heart Israel, which in the geometry of marriage foreshadows circumcised-of-heart Israel in circumcised in the flesh Israel in the Millennium, when it will be the season for Israel—those who prevail with God—to bear fruit, offspring, for God.

Lies told by the proto-orthodox clergy sealed God in a triune godhead and prevented disciples from realizing that they were to really be sons of God, not waifs of the Adversary sitting on clouds, twiddling thumbs and singing praises to a God they neither know nor worship.


The child born in the Millennium will not be spiritually immortal, but this child without being born with indwelling sin and death, will grow and live (barring accidents) to the end of the Thousand Years—and even accidents will not then be the problem they are today.

In the geometry of marriage, the harvest of firstfruits that equates to the early barley harvest of ancient Judea plus the general harvest of humanity in the great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11–15) that equates to the wheat harvest of ancient Judea, together, form the single harvest of this world … the harvest of firstfruits—those individuals who will receive glorified bodies at the Second Advent—are today in the general harvest of humanity that will not be gathered to God until the great White Throne Judgment. So there is no mistake: the Elect are today inside the harvest of firstfruits that have not yet been rigidly defined, with this harvest of firstfruits being inside the general harvest of humanity, all growing together without outward distinction being made—the Elect do not wear collars announcing that they are the Elect, nor do firstfruits differ in outward appearance from the general harvest of humanity. However, by their acts (by voluntarily marking themselves through the outwardly having love for neighbor and brother), those who will be gathered to God separate themselves from those who will be burned with fire in the second death irrespective of when they will be gathered to God.

The Elect inwardly differ from all other human persons through the indwelling of Christ that causes them to walk in this world as Christ walked, with the righteousness of Christ as a garment covering their transgressions of the Law. The Elect will look and act like outwardly uncircumcised Judeans; hence, the Elect will seem to have appropriated as their own the higher order teachings of Moses. All of the Elect will outwardly keep the Sabbaths of God and will keep the Passover on the dark portion of the First Unleavened, the 14th day of the first month. All of the Elect will imperfectly manifest love for neighbor and brother, with perfection coming through diligently practicing righteousness even when no one is looking … the imperfection of the Elect is covered by grace because of the Elect having already received indwelling eternal life through receipt of a second breath of life, the breath of God [pneuma Theou] in the breath of Christ [pneuma Christou].

Today, except for the Elect, none of the harvest of firstfruits are born of God, even though some of the firstfruits are Sabbatarian Christians. Most of the firstfruits, however, are not Sabbatarians or even Christians. Most are today in other theologies, notably Islam, with this most repenting of what they presently believe following the Second Passover and forty-two months of tribulation, when dominion over the kingdom of this world is given to the Son of Man and the whole world is then baptized in spirit.

Today, greater Christendom, infused with disinformation, believing the glasnost of the Bishop of Rome, is not able to repent of its unbelief and by extension, rebellion against God. However, when the Second Passover occurs, all Christians will be liberated from indwelling sin and death and will be free to believe God—and some will truly believe God, but most will not even when filled with the spirit of God … do old progressives, old socialists, old Marxists ever really change their minds? Young ones can and do, but old ones don’t. And this will be the story of greater Christianity in the Affliction, the first 1260 days of the seven endtime years of tribulation. Thus, the greatest number of disciples that will be glorified as firstfruits at the beginning of the Thousand Years will not be Christians prior to the Second Passover, and will still not be Christians halfway through the seven endtime years; so it is true, the firstfruits are today inside of the general harvest of humanity, with the general harvest being set aside once the Second Passover occurs—

The good news [gospel] that must be taken to the world as a witness to all nations is that the person who endures to the end shall be saved (Matt 24:13–14) … the person who endures will be filled with the spirit of God when the kingdom is given to the Son of Man and the world is baptized in spirit on doubled day 1260 of these seven endtime years. Endurance will be about believing God to the point of trusting God with the person’s life, with the person who believes God over what the person sees with his or her eyes becoming a firstborn son of God, part of the harvest of firstfruits.

The uncovered firstborn who dies at the Second Passover liberation of Israel and all who die in the sixth Trumpet Plague [the Second Woe] will appear in the great White Throne Judgment at the end of the Thousand Years. This is, again, the general harvest of humanity, the harvest in which all persons not of Israel will appear before God to receive reward or condemnation for what they did in the flesh. And as ancient Israel lived in the Promised Land with non-Israelites, the Elect live within Christendom with not-born-of-spirit Christians; as ancient Israel lived in the land of Canaan with peoples they were to have dispossessed, Christians live among non-Christians.

Of the many Christians called by God, few will be chosen when judgments are revealed (Matt 22:14). Why? Because of the work done by the disinformation sown in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, disinformation used to rewrite the history of the Jesus Movement that centered around the Law moving from regulating hands and body to thoughts and desires.

With very few exceptions, I don’t know who my readers are today, or who they will be tomorrow. I care but don’t care if they believe what I write: if they believe, good, but if they don’t believe, they have been warned. My job is done either way. But if they believe there is more personal satisfaction than if they don’t—there is no greater reward coming my way, either in this world or in heaven. My reward came with the calling to do this job, but I take no pleasure in knowing that most Christians will rebel against God in the great Apostasy of day 220. I take no pleasure in knowing what will happen following the Second Passover liberation of Israel. I take no pleasure in knowing that my own daughter and grandsons as uncovered firstborns will perish.

What is reassuring, though, is knowing that essentially good people who are not and have never been Christian will have a chance in the general resurrection of humanity … as Jesus laid down His life for His brothers, His disciples have no choice about laying down their lives for their brothers. I have no choice. Consider what the prophet Amos wrote:

For the Lord [YHWH] does nothing

without revealing His secret

to His servants the prophets.

The lion has roared;

who will not fear?

The Lord [YHWH] has spoken;

who can but prophesy? (Amos 3:7–8)

Who can keep quiet when called to reread prophecy? I certainly cannot, even when sitting typing causes pain. The words continue to come, and continue to go forth to the world—and so it will be until the task is complete; until all of Scripture has been reread, thereby refuting the glasnost of the Bishop of Rome.

Again, Christ is to the Elect as the husband is to his wife, and the Elect will be to the harvest of Firstfruits as the husband is to his wife, and the harvests of Firstfruits will be to the general harvest of humanity as a husband is to his wife: the geometry of marriage repeats itself through self-similarity, with the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus also being repeated in this fractal through the death, either literal or metaphorical, of the Elect and of the Firstfruits … when I returned from Alaska to pursue a Doctor of Arts degree from Idaho State University, I ceased doing those things that had defined me as a person up to that point. When I was called to reread prophecy, I ceased doing what little I had retained of my former self. So for all practical purposes, I died between 1991 and 2001, and the person I am today bears little resemblance to who I was thirty years ago, while outwardly only seeming to have aged in a somewhat predictable manner. And in a similar manner, all of the Elect will die to do the work to which they, like Jonah, have been called, even if they have no apparent work to do today beyond growing in grace and knowledge.

Today, the Elect are numbered in greater Christendom, but the Elect through being foreknown by God, predestined, called by Christ, justified and glorified are also separated from greater Christendom as the living are separated from the dead, with the most visible sign of this separation being Sabbath observance by the Elect.

As if a pebble in a boot, thinking of personal salvation as being harvested tends to annoy Christians; for the implication is similar to that which Zwingli understood about adult baptism. If adult baptism was essential, then there had been no Christians for centuries. The Christian Church had been dead, and Zwingli was unable to accept this reality. In a similar manner, if salvation equates to being harvested by God, then only a tithe of greater Christendom belongs to God. The remaining 90% belongs to the property owner, the Adversary. And for Christians, this should be a frightening scenario … in the Millennium, the property owner will be God, Father and Son, and virtually all of the growth will be harvested and brought into the household of God.

Christians collectively simply refuse to think of themselves as not being saved; refuse to think that they are to God as wheat is to a farmer, with a “trap crop” of wheat vulnerable to sawflies planted around the edge of the field, or with vulnerable seed mixed in with the selected seed so that sawflies go to the one and leave the other alone ….

Many Christians have dogs for pets; some have working dogs. So, based on your personal experience, assuming you have had a dog, does a dog when reared with human companionship understand the difference between being a dog and being a human person? Does the dog think of itself in terms of being in the same pack as the person? Does the dog think it, too, is human, perhaps a lesser member of the pack, but like the person, presumably the alpha male of the pack?

My experience has been that of dogs apparently believing that they are people, doing what they can to please me as I function as their head.

The dog, however, is not the peer of the person. There are differences that the dog cannot bridge; for no dog can solve a quadratic equation, or even understand the concept of solving for an unknown. Likewise, there are differences between man and God that man cannot bridge. And while a man and a dog share similar breaths of life, the fleshly body of a man and God do not share similar breaths of life. However, when a human person receives a second breath of life, the breath of God [pneuma Theou] in the breath of Christ [pneuma Christou], this second breath of life penetrates the spirit of the man [to pneuma tou ’anthropou] and gives life to the inner self of the person, with this second breath of life being similar to the life-sustaining force that functions for God as breath functions for nephesh.

Similar in the sense that my breath is not my wife’s breath, but both breaths came from Elohim [singular in usage] breathing into the nostrils of the man of mud (Gen 2:7) so that this man of mud became a nephesh, a breathing creature. My breath and my wife’s breath are similar though not identical even though they came from a common source. And this is the relationship between the glory of God the Father and the glory of the Son, Christ Jesus, and the glory with which human sons of God will be glorified when they are born of spirit/breath/pneuma of God.

Whether an endtime Christian likes the reality that personal salvation represents the person’s inclusion in the harvest of God, the Christian needs to firmly grasp the ramifications of being part of a harvest … salvation is not a birthright. Salvation is not like getting a high school diploma: pass enough classes and the diploma is guaranteed. Rather, Peter wrote,

It is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And "If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?" Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good. (1 Pet 4:17–19)

In John’s Gospel, Jesus said,

For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son also to have life in Himself. And He has given Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear His voice and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. (John 5:26–29)

 In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus said,

When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And He will place the sheep on His right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?” And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Then He will say to those on His left, “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.” Then they also will answer, saying, “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?” Then He will answer them, saying, “Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." (Matt 25:31–46)

Salvation isn’t in uttering a name, isn’t in praying the rosary, isn’t in keeping the Sabbath—salvation is in having love for neighbor and brother, remembering that you too as an Israelite needed the comfort of your neighbor and brother.

Consider why no Moabite will be in the kingdom:

No Ammonite or Moabite may enter the assembly of [YHWH]. Even to the tenth generation, none of them may enter the assembly of [YHWH] forever, because they did not meet you with bread and with water on the way, when you came out of Egypt, and because they hired against you Balaam the son of Beor from Pethor of Mesopotamia, to curse you. But [YHWH] your God would not listen to Balaam; instead [YHWH] your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because [YHWH] your God loved you. You shall not seek their peace or their prosperity all your days forever.

You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother. You shall not abhor an Egyptian, because you were a sojourner in his land. Children born to them in the third generation may enter the assembly of [YHWH]. (Deut 23:3–8)

Now to where spiritual understanding is essential: the harvest of firstfruits began with Christ Jesus, the First of the firstfruits, when He was raised from death not after Calvary but when John the Baptist raised Him from the watery grave that is analogous to the Flood of Noah’s day, with the spirit/breath of God descending upon Him in the bodily form of a dove and entering into [eis] Him (Mark 1:10). The harvest of firstfruits continued when the glorified Jesus breathed on ten of His disciples and said, Receive spirit holy [pneuma ’agion] (John 20:22), thereby making His disciples as He was during His earthly ministry, even to giving them the authority to forgive or withhold forgiveness of sins, authority that every disciple truly born of spirit has.

Again, Christ Jesus is to the Elect as the Elect are to the Firstfruits and as the Firstfruits are to the general harvest of humanity. The resurrection of the inner self of Christ Jesus came when Jesus received a second breath of life; the resurrection of the Elect began when Jesus breathed on ten of His first disciples, all of whom the Father had given to Him to keep and teach (John chap 17). But the Elect only exist as the Father draws this person and that person from this world and delivers these individuals to Christ Jesus, doing invisibly what is seen physically in the calling of the Twelve. And the Elect are to greater Christendom as the first disciples were to greater Judaism, with eleven of the first disciples being from the Galilee [then considered the margins of civilization] and one, Judas Iscariot, being from Judah … the implication is obvious.

The Elect pass from death to life [glorified] without coming under judgment. They have to do nothing to be saved; for they are already saved before they began their walk as a Christian through being foreknown and predestined. But the Elect are never free to long rebel against God. And any rebellion against God—while covered by the garment of Christ’s righteousness—will cost the person numbered among the Elect dearly; for this person belongs to God and is the slave of obedience, so failure to obey carries penalties of the sort that a father would use to discipline a young son … it is never all right for a son of God to transgress the Law of God, and to prevent the son of God from doing so, Christ Jesus will use the things of this world (principally, the person’s body) against the son of God. But because the son of God has already received heavenly life in the form of the indwelling of Christ, thereby having passed from death to life (John 5:24), it isn’t eternal life that is placed at risk if the son of God transgresses a Commandment—

When I was six or seven years old, my cousin Danny Lee (a couple of years older) and I got ourselves in trouble on a Sunday afternoon on Grandpa’s farm. He promised us a whipping, and sent us to the barn where we were to wait, presumably in fear of what was coming, the waiting to produce repentance. But Danny Lee and I began chasing Grandpa’s chickens in his barn and were having so much fun getting his hens to squawk that not much repentance occurred … there was more repentance after Grandpa used the razor strap that he kept hanging by the kitchen door—

God disciplines in a similar manner, but applied differently. The Apostle Paul’s eyes were never healed, but gave him problems for the remainder of his life … God can heal anything that ails our bodies, but most of the time He doesn’t. Sometimes He does. So what is the difference? Why were Paul’s eyes never healed? Because Paul’s apparently weepy eyes kept him humble, and continually reminded him of who he was and what he had been, what Grandpa sending his grandsons out to the barn to wait was supposed to do—and would have done if we hadn’t stumbled across a hen on her nest.

Why aren’t ailments in endtime Christians healed when prayers are said and the ailing person anointed with oil? Because the healing wouldn’t benefit the inner self of the Christian. And why are prayers answered in the form of healings? Because the inner self will benefit by the fleshly body being healed.

I don’t like using the word guidelines, but I don’t have a better word: the guidelines for the salvation of the Elect fully incorporates Christ Jesus disciplining the person included in the Elect, this person already having passed from death to life without coming under judgment. And the principle means by which the person is disciplined is through bodily afflictions, whether from sickness or injury, or from poverty or imprisonment, with the purpose of the affliction being to produce repentance that will never be forgotten.

But for the harvest of Firstfruits, and for the general harvest of humanity, the guidelines for salvation differ: because neither the Firstfruits nor the general harvests—represented by the wheat and the barley of Revelation 6:6—have been born of spirit prior to when their judgments are revealed [for the Firstfruits] or made in the great White Throne Judgment [for the general harvest], the lawlessness of both has been covered by their lack of spiritual life, not by Christ Jesus’ righteousness, the reality of grace. And because their transgressions of the Law have been covered by death [their own], they have been free to do whatever has been in their hearts.

If what has been in the heart of a person is love for brother and neighbor, love that has caused the person to feed the hungry and give shelter to the homeless (or to the persecuted), then this love shows that the works of the Law have been written on the person’s heart. The person will be fine when judgments are revealed or made. However, if the person had it in his or her means to feed the hungry and did not, the person won’t fair as well when the person is called forth from death.

The Christian whose life has been one of giving his or her resources to help others live, with charity beginning at home, will find that the imprinting of love for others on the Christian’s heart is sufficient for salvation. Likewise, the non-Christian who has done the same will receive the same destiny; for God is not a respecters of persons. So the “good” person who has consciously chosen to be good when choice was placed before the person will be gathered to God. But the person who has done evil—the person who hates or who lies or who intentionally steals—will be resurrected into the second death, the lake of fire.

Again, salvation isn’t a manner of whether the person is today a Christian or not a Christian, but a matter of doing what is right by everyone, from feeding the hungry to keeping one’s word, sometimes a thing much more difficult than feeding the hungry. The difference is when—in which resurrection/harvest—the person will be glorified or condemned to fire.

God and by extension, Christ, doesn’t have to use bodily afflictions as tools of discipline for those persons not born of spirit: those who are not born of spirit are today sorting themselves out, the good separating themselves from the evil even when living in the same household. Freewill permits those not born of spirit to determine whether they will keep the Commandments in their applied sense, having love for one another … the Elect are without freewill: by being foreknown and predestined, their fates are determined for them, which isn’t a bad thing for they cannot fail. Nor can they truly prosper in the Adversary’s administration of this world.

So those good people that Christians have found in other religions will—because the Body of Christ is dead; the temple razed—have equal opportunity to be saved; will have the same opportunity the Christian has. And the question Paul asked must be asked again:

Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision? Much in every way. To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, "That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged." But if our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of God, what shall we say? That God is unrighteous to inflict wrath on us? (I speak in a human way.) By no means! For then how could God judge the world? (Rom 3:1–6)

What is the value of circumcision of the heart? Much, for Christians were entrusted with knowledge of Christ Jesus. So what if some have been unfaithful; so what if Greek philosophers entered into 1st and 2nd Century fellowships and spread disinformation in a somewhat coordinated attempt to suppress the equality found in Christ. Has this disinformation campaign of the Adversary prevented knowledge of Christ from being disseminated to the endtime disciples? Has this disinformation campaign prevented good people from doing good? No, not at all. The campaign has been a failure.

Certainly the Adversary’s disinformation campaign was evident by mid 1st-Century; for Paul wrote,

Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only He who now restrains it will do so until He is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath [pneumati] of His mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. (2 Thess 2:1–10 emphasis added)

The mystery of lawlessness is the fruit of 1st-Century Greek philosophers’ war against Judaism, and all things Jewish, including Sabbath observance and eating clean meats to be holy as God is holy … Peter, in feeding lambs [infants in Christ], said,

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy." And if you call on Him as Father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. (1 Pet 1:14–19 emphasis added)

Where is it written, You shall be holy, for I am holy? Did not Moses pen these words?

For I am [YHWH] your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. You shall not defile yourselves with any swarming thing that crawls on the ground. For I am [YHWH] who brought you up out of the land of Egypt to be your God. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. (Lev 11:44–45 emphasis added)

Christ Jesus restrains the lawless one by today bearing the sins of the Elect, thereby not permitting the Adversary to harm them through his vicious lies and half-truths. The Father restrains the Adversary by not returning life to the Body of Christ, with the Elect being separate from the Body of Christ in a manner analogous to the spirit [pneuma] in man being separate from the soul [psuche], yet these two making up the single inner self of the person that is to be holy as God is holy, with the outer self [soma] being holy through not eating common meats … whereas when Noah emerged from the Ark, all flesh was given to Noah as food (flesh without the blood that is the life of the creature), a refinement to this all flesh clause was made after Moses entered into the presence of God—

Death reigned over humankind from Adam to Moses (Rom 5:14), not from Adam to Jesus; for the reign of death over humanity ended when Moses entered into the presence of the Lord in all of His glory, the chiral image of glorified sons of God entering into the presence of God, seeing the face of God, not merely the backside of the Lord. Therefore, what Moses brought down from Sinai was more than two stone tablets: he brought down the glory of the Lord that shown from his face for the remainder of his life, glory that caused him to wear a veil (Ex 34:29–35).

With Moses bearing in his flesh the glory of God, Moses delivered to Israel statutes and ordinances that if kept would have permitted Israel to also enter into the presence of the Lord—and among these statutes was the ordinances concerning clean meats that amounted to a separation of the sacred from the common … while common humanity was permitted to eat all flesh, sacred humanity—the firstborn son of the Lord (Ex 4:22)—had restrictions placed upon what it could and could not eat, with these restrictions pertaining to the fleshly bodies of Israel, fleshly bodies in which there was no indwelling spiritual life.

So that there is no doubt, eating common meats ensures the commonality of the nations at a fleshly level; eating clean meats ensures the sacredness of Israel at a fleshly level, not at a spiritual level.

The inner self of the person is not of perishable flesh and is therefore unaffected by what occurs in the digestive track of the fleshly body; however, the living inner self [the born-of-spirit son-of-God] continues to dwell in a fleshly body that is to be holy as the inner self is holy—and for the fleshly body of a circumcised of heart Israelite to be holy, this fleshly body will do as the fleshly body of a Judean did; will do as the fleshly body of Jesus did. This means that the fleshly body will not deliberately ingest that which establishes the commonality of the nations, not that doing so would defile the fleshly body. The Christian will not eat unclean meats because the Christian desires to be holy as Christ Jesus is holy.

However, “intent” is everything, not the actual foods eaten that pass through the body and exit in bowel movements. Thus, if the intent is to be holy as God is holy and the sanctified person accidently eats unclean meats, the person is not defiled. If the intent is to be holy and the sanctified person is served unclean meats that are not identified as such and refusing the meat would offend the host or hostess, the sanctified person would be excused for eating enough not to cause deliberate offense. But if the host or hostess identifies the unclean meat as such, the meat should be refused for the sake of the host or hostess so that they know that a difference exists between the holy and the profane.

My contention is that with intent being everything, a sanctified person should not eat “bacon bits” or “imitation crab” even though neither contain any unclean meat; for why would a sanctified person desire to eat that which isn’t clean; isn’t food for the holy person? The desire produces the defilement, not the eating. The desire doesn’t come from wanting to be holy as God is holy. So the sanctified person who dwells in peace with an unsanctified person should permit this person of the nations to eat whatever this person wants to eat, but should not join in eating common foods with the unsanctified spouse or parent for a Christian should not attempt to impose his or her ideology upon another person. To do so is usurping the prerogative of God.

The mistake that secular ideologies such as Communism makes when engaging with greater Christendom lies in the concept of the end justifies the means. With God, this is simply not true as seen in eating clean versus unclean meats where the eating doesn’t defile the person. The reason why the person eats or doesn’t eat defiles; for the sanctified person must desire to be holy as God is holy, which will include having love for neighbor and brother, love of sufficient strength that the person will lay down his or her life for the Christian’s brother.

The Soviets before 1991, and Russia since have run a disinformation campaign about the Roman Catholic Church that rivals the disinformation campaign early orthodox Church theologians ran against Judaism in the 1st and 2nd Century … those who live by the sword—those whose existence came about through disinformation—will die by the sword. The Soviet disinformation campaign has sought to discredit the Pope, transforming the anti-Nazi Pope Pious XII into Hitler’s Pope; has sought to push progressivism into the ideology of the Roman Church; has sought to destroy the Latin Church from within and without through a proliferation of lies and half-truths, exploitation of scandal and liberation theology, that redirects the focus of religion from serving God to social justice.

The Latin Church came into existence through a proliferation of lies about Judaism that transformed the Jesus Movement from being about the movement of the Law from hand to heart and the movement of circumcision from foreskin to heart to being about universal salvation. As a result, the Latin Church missed the mark established by Christ in its beginning, and doubly missed the mark when it allied itself with secular governance and was transformed by the world and its prince, the Adversary, into a weapon employed against God and against those who sought to return to God, especially in the 16th-Century CE. At no time are Christians to give aid and comfort to the Adversary as he seeks to demonstrate that governance from the bottom up, whether in the form of democracy or whether in the form a ruling proletariat collective can be successful; for this will have angels such as the Adversary, an anointed cherub, ruling over God.

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